Tuesday 5 February 2019

Hasta mudras – Hand gestures

Hasta mudras – Hand gestures

Each finger of hand represents an element of nature and has a subtle energy field – [Thumb-fire(solar plexus chakra)], [index finger-Air(heart chakra)], [middle finger-space(throat chakra)], [ring finger-earth(root chakra)], [little finger-water(sacral chakra)]. Bringing thumb in touch with one or more fingers deepens one’s connection with the elements represented by them and invigorates PRANA –Universal life force.

The universal life force energy is categorised into prana, apana, samana, udana and vyana.

Prana mudra
Prana moves in the heart. It stands for vigour, self assertion and survival.

It impacts breathing, body temperature, heart rate, sensory functions, thought, behaviour and consciousness.

Apana mudra
Apana moves in the sphere of anus. It symbolises patience, movement and flow.

It regulates the downward moving energy, eliminates toxins and waste products from body, has therapeutic effect on the heart and the colon thus gives life.

Samana mudra
Samana moves in the region of navel. It is symbolic of balance, harmony and understanding.

It improves the functioning of liver, gall bladder, pancreas and small intestine thus helps in ingestion, digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients.

Udana mudra
Udana moves in the throat. It symbolises imagination, creativity and communication.

It regulates energy that ascends from the navel to the heart, throat and the head. It supports the central and peripheral nervous system. It improves metabolism, speech and concentration.

Vyana mudra
Vyana pervades the whole body. It is symbolic of circulation, transmission and activity.

It ensures proper circulation of blood and tones up the heart, lungs, skin, bones, veins, muscles and nerves.