Tuesday 28 July 2015


#pranichealerchandigarh #pranichealing chandigarh #pscychotherapy
The ability to go into any social situation & sense the level of consciousness in that situation is a gift. It enables us to move considerately in a world that holds people of all levels of awareness. However, there is a difference between shifting our energy to accommodate people & dumbing ourselves down to a regrettable degree. Sometimes, when we get into a particular social situation, we may feel pressure to play it small in order to fit in. Perhaps everyone is drinking or smoking excessively, engaging in gossipy small talk, or complaining bitterly about politics. It is one thing to notice this & modify our expectations & another thing entirely to join in.
When we notice where people are coming from & acknowledge to ourselves that their energy is not in alignment with ours, we have several choices as to how to proceed. One viable option is to quietly endure the situation, keeping to ourselves until it is time to leave. In this way, we take care of our own consciousness & protect our growth process. Another option is to interact in a way that honors & pays respect to the people in the group, while gently attempting to shift the level of consciousness with our input. In order to do this, we must maintain our own vibration, which means that joining in by dumbing down is not an option.
When we choose to dumb ourselves down to fit in, we not only sell ourselves short but we also lose a possible opportunity to influence the situation for the good of all concerned. Our desire to join in may come from our natural yearning to feel connected to the people around us. There is no shame in this, but being able to stand on our own, separate from the crowd, is a powerful milestone on any spiritual path. It can be difficult in the moment, but when we arrive on the other side, our integrity intact, we may find ourselves feeling positively smart.

#pranichealing #pranichealer #lifecoach

Sunday 19 July 2015


Chronic Sinusitis and Self help Tips...
Self-help steps can help relieve sinusitis symptoms:...
1 .Rest...
This will help your body fight inflammation and speed recovery.
2. Drink fluids...
such as water or juice. This will help dilute mucous secretions and promote drainage. Avoid beverages that contain caffeine or alcohol, as they can be dehydrating. Drinking alcohol can also worsen the swelling of the lining of the sinuses and nose.
3.Moisturize your sinus cavities. Drape a towel over your head as you breathe in the vapor from a bowl of medium-hot water. . This will help ease pain and help mucus drain.
4. Rinse out your nasal passages. Use a specially designed squeeze bottle (Sinus Rinse, others), saline canister or neti pot to rinse your nasal passages. If you make your own rinse, use water that's contaminant-free — distilled, sterile, previously boiled and cooled, Also be sure to rinse the irrigation device after each use with contaminant-free water, and leave open to air-dry.
5 Sleep with your head elevated. This will help your sinuses drain, reducing congestion.
Diet Advice..
Those suffering from sinusitis should completely avoid fried and starchy foods, white sugar, white flour, rice, macaroni products, pies, cakes and candies. Avoid strong spices, meat and meat products'. Butter . Honey should be used for sweetening. One should eat freshly prepared for each meal. Vegetables should be taken in liberal quantities. All kinds of fruits can be taken with the exception of those belonging to citrus group such as lemon, lime, orange and grapefruit. Milk should be taken in liberal quantities as it contains calcium, which has a marked effect in overcoming inflammation of the tissues.
A diet rich in vitamin A is the best insurance against cold and sinus trouble. Vitamin A is the "membrane con¬ditioner" and it helps build healthy mucus membranes in the head and throat. Some of the valuable sources of this vitamin are whole milk, yoghurt, egg yolk, pumpkin, carrot, leafy vegetables, tomato, mango and papaya.
The carrot juice used separately or in combination with juices of beet and cucumber or with spinach juice is highly beneficial in the treatment of sinus trouble. Three ounces each of beet and cucumber juice or six ounces of spinach juice should be mixed with 10 ounces of carrot juices in these combinations.

Thursday 16 July 2015

Read somewhere, Like to share.... The wounded self is the part of you that feels incomplete. It questions your worth & value; it doesn’t feel whole, or it feels flawed in some way. My wounded self is the “little me” who wonders if I’m truly lovable. It’s never happy. We’ve all felt disappointed or hurt by a relationship in the past; we carry the memory of this wound into adulthood (sometimes unconsciously). If a wound from childhood is still active within you, you’ll attract people who are going to highlight the same feeling. For example, if your wounding is centered around feeling rejected or unseen, it’s likely that you’ll feel a similar way in your relationships as an adult. Your unconscious is programmed to attract people who activate your wounds. The reason for this is so you’ll grow. This is a frustrating part of the growth process! But think of it this way: You’re replaying your wounds so you can finally heal them. We cannot heal anything we don’t feel or see; we can’t heal things that are unconscious! The uncomfortable feeling has to come to the surface for you to grow beyond it. And how do you grow beyond it? By identifying with your higher self. Remember, your higher self is the part of you that knows the truth about you. It knows that you are worthy, amazing, capable & powerful. Through the lens of the higher self, you are whole. Yes, you’re an imperfect human with flaws; but the larger truth is: you’re a soul. You’re beautiful. You’re important. You’re special. You’re love. This is what the higher self knows about you — & it wants you to know it, too. By identifying with your higher self (the love within you), your compulsion to play out wounds with other people dissipates & in some cases, disappears. When you wake up to the higher self’s truth, you suddenly realize that the “wrong” people were just teachers to nudge you into the “right” state-of-mind; a state-of-mind that does not question your value or worth. Unfortunately, nothing inspires us to grow more than a broken heart. Your higher self wants you to identify with it; it wants you to own who you really are. Reclaim the love within you, and you’ll heal your relationships from the inside-out.

Read somewhere, like to share... How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others 1. Don’t listen to the voice inside your head that tells you that you are inadequate. 2. Don’t hang out with people who look for the flaws & can’t see the best in the people in their lives. 3. Recognise that each person is different and unique. There is no-one like you - & you have great attributes. 4. Take note of your efforts & the progress you have made. You’ve already come far. You should celebrate that! 5. Appreciate others, & what you gain from them. Don’t see them as people who undermine you. 6. Remember that NO-ONE is perfect at all - and that other people struggle with the same stuff as well. 7. Go after what matters the most in this life: being loyal, and thoughtful, and caring, and kind.

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Monday 13 July 2015


  • Sinus infections are caused by infections from a pathogenic microorganism (virus, bacterium, or fungus), which grows within a sinus and causes intermittent blockage of the sinus ostiu
  • .Symptoms of sinusitis include:
    • a green or yellow discharge from your nose
    • a blocked nose
    • pain and tenderness around your cheeks, eyes or forehead
    • a headach
    • a high temperature (fever) of 38C (100.4F) or more
    • tooth pain
    • a reduced sense of smell
    • bad breath

Friday 10 July 2015


#quartz and crystal # crystalgallerychandigarh 
Rose Quartz Crystal is a quartz crystal that derives its name from its lovely rose pink color. 
It is known as the 'love stone' as it emits is the strong vibration of unconditional love, joy, warmth and healing.
This beautiful pink crystal has a powerful energy that resonates within both the heart chakra and the higher heart chakra, or thymus chakra, the area related to compassion.
This stone will also resonate out the love energy into its surrounds, and aid all those nearby, such as your nearest and dearest. Not only will it assist you with healing yourself but its energy may bring faith and hope to all in the vicinity, and this energy is well known for its action to stimulate romance in your life.As quartz crystals are profound amplifiers of energy, it may help to kindle happiness, love, romantic feelings and sensuality.
Rose Quartz Meaning ... A Powerful Love Stone

Tuesday 7 July 2015


#stress #anxiety #panic #psycotherapy #healing #addiction #drvandanaraghuvanshi


What is Ego?

The ego is our sense of self. Our boundaries; a feeling of being me. Ego gives us definition in the 3-dimensional world:
”This is my body. This is my mind. This is me. These are my preferences, my limits – my, me, mine.”
Ego is a necessary component of human life. It informs us of our choices in the world.
Our beliefs, feelings, emotions & thoughts create our current & future realities so if you believe you need the ego to remain within your being to protect you, then that is a very valid belief that will continue to serve your soul’s learning process. However, just because we believe something to be true for us does not mean it is the highest truth for our evolution. At this time on the Earth we are in a very intense period of transformation where we are releasing old distorted beliefs & energies that once served our highest good & we are replacing them with new more evolved beliefs that will help us expand our consciousness so we can move forward.

Positive Ego

To have definition in this 3-dimensional world, we need our ego, right? But what choices do we make with this ego of ours? And how do we train ourselves to redefine our ego boundaries, as we expand as humans?
Usually our sense of self is a sensation in the upper stomach; the solar plexus.
This is the point of the inner sun that, when in balance, gives us a feeling of empowerment & joy in our lives. It gives us power to act and keeps us feeling independent & strong. It radiates warmth out into the rest of the body. It makes us value our uniqueness & when properly tended to & channeled, prepares us for greater service to others as the ego-energy is funneled up into the heart center. This is positive ego.

Negative Ego

Ego is by definition limiting.
Its function is to keep us safe, to contain us. Its understanding doesn’t reach beyond the material world. The ego understands only that which it can grasp; “I am safe because I have a house, money, food in the fridge” is typical ego reasoning.
Putting security in that which can be seen is what the ego does. Either or – thinking is typical of the ego as well. It thrives on comparison.”Why does he get that & I don’t?” is a familiar tune from the ego music library.
For the ego it might be hard to understand that if I am a child of the Universe, that by being special, nothing is being taken away from anyone.
If you feel yourself to have a big ego & you’ve been beating yourself up about it – you can stop now.
Lots of ego energy just means lots of energy potential to be channeled into your heart, to be used for compassion, service & healing. This can be done through working with selfless service (Nothing refines your ego like putting your own needs aside!), meditation, yoga, or other spiritual practices.
If you’ve been repressing your ego, you can stop it now.
Let yourself feel your stomach area. Strengthen your abdominal muscles. Do an intestinal cleanse. You might have some shame issues or anger issues to work through as you allow your sense of self to awaken. Let yourself discover your uniqueness. And from that point, start your expansion into recognizing the miracle within all.
#angermanagemant #healing addiction #healing ego #healing negativethouhts # life coachdrvandanaraghuvanshi

Friday 3 July 2015

Swathisthan...[Harara / Sacral ]Chakra....... The second chakra is located in the abdomen, lower back and sexual organs are related to the element water and to emotions and sexuality. It connects us to others through feeling, desire, sensation, and movement. Ideally this chakra brings us fluidity and grace, depth of feeling, sexual fulfillment and the ability to accept change. Sanskrit Name: Swadhisthana Meaning: sweetness Location: Sacral Plexus- lower abdomen Body Parts: womb, genitals, kidney, bladder, circulatory system Glands: ovaries, testicles Function: emotional release, sexuality, pleasure, procreation Element: water Color: orange Balanced Characteristics: ability to experience pleasure, emotionally balanced, healthy, sex life, nurturance of self and others, graceful movement Deficiency: denial of pleasure, emotionally numb, fear of sex, rigidity in bod and attitudes, lack of desire, passion and excitement Excess: pleasure addiction, excessively strong emotions, ruled by emotions, sexual addiction, seductive manipulation Physical Malfunctions: disorders of reproductive organs, spleen, bladder, kidneys. Menstrual difficulties, lower back pain, knee trouble deadened senses-loss of appetite for food, sex, life. Sexual Dysfunction-impotence, frigidity, non-orgasmic. Healing Strategy: movement, emotional release or containment as appropriate healthy pleasures Kew Words: sexual, sensual, pleasure, feel, senses, flow, water, fluid, desire, connection, feminine, nurturance, movement Affirmations: I make my decisions from a place of hope and faith My creative drive is strong and exciting My sexuality is fulfilling and meaningful I am Life.