The aura also acts as a reservoir of energy. It functions similarly to a balloon. The aura expands and contracts according to your energy level. Therefore, you can easily access your own, or another person's or home energy level .
The aura consists of seven layers. Three of these layers are visible to the human eye. The first layer closest to the body, is transparent and consists of etheric double which is the energetic duplicate for your physical body. The second layer is the astral layer and holds your emotions. This is the layer that contains all of the colors of the aura. Your aura colors change constantly, depending on your mood. Do not make the mistake of assuming that a beautiful turquoise color in the aura means that the person is happy or loving, or that red in the aura means anger! The third layer of the aura is the mental layer. This layer of the aura becomes active when you are engaged in intense thinking or mental processing.